Thursday 30 September 2010

Whitewall Gallery Review [2nd Homework]

On Thursday the 30th of September I took a trip to the art gallery in Stratford-upon-Avon called Whitewall Gallery. In the past I have wandered past this place and taken a glance to see maybe one or two pieces which I think are really nice. Ive just never been able to see the rest of the magnificent art the shop has to offer!

As I walked in I was greeted by a lovely lady and I explained that I was doing a review of an arts gallery as part of my Media course at college.
I was looking at all of the pieces in the gallery, each one telling a different story. About 7 really stood out to me because of either their originality or just because they were just plain eye candy!

The first piece I liked was in the first section of the gallery, Rolf Harris's Section :)
I love his style of painting. The colours he uses give everything a fresh dimension and leap out of the canvas!
Paitings such as "Into the sun" which features a female tiger in her natural enviroment. Harris seems to somehow spice it with natural yet fierce colours. They seem to somehow warm you up from just looking at them.
Below, is another one of Rolf Harris's paintings that stood out amongst the rest. Featuring a boy trying to entice a "Shot silk blue Starling"

Trust by Rolf Harris
Trust - Rolf Harris

Into the Sun - Rolf Harris

The next painting I fell in love with was one by an artist called Ben Payne. It was titled Sunset Lake and selling at £1,275. If I had the money I would not even hesitate to buy this piece. It was sheer beauty. I love the way the artist captures the essence of the light and makes the water look like cotton wool. This painting just made me feel so cosy and snug as if I was in a tiny cottage next to a warm, roasting fire.

Finally, Damiens Dress, a piece done by Sarah Jane Szikora. This showed imagaination and interactivity between the person and the surroundings. The way the canvas on the left has been torn out and how the woman wears it as a dress and how they incorporate brings humour and laughter to the viewer.

Damiens Dress - Sarah Jane Szikora

I really enjoyed this weeks meida event task. I managed to explore creativity from numerous different minds and at the end of the day, managed to view some pretty down right nice artwork! If only I had the money...

Friday 24 September 2010

The Yao Culture [Review]

Stratford college organized "The Yao Culture" to come and perform in the Cultural Cafe. The group consisted of eight women and seven men all from the tribe of the "Yao." When the two men came on stage with poles everyone in the room was fairly confused. Everyone was interested in what was going to happen next. Straight away they impressed the audience when one man was flung into the air from just the force of another member of the tribe. They did this continuously for about twenty seconds whilst making hilarious sound effects!
There was also a choir consisting of the whole tribe who's voices were incredible!
The reason they were performing in the cultural cafe to us was because they were performing a preview for a later performance they would be holding in the evening. It was a good insight into seeing what the tribe achieves and undertakes. The women took on a part where they started singing this Chinese song. Their singing was amazing! Their voices were so high and they could hold a note for what seemed like forever!
Their motive to provide everyone with an experience of the Yao Culture succeeded. Everyone was left amazed with what fantastic skills this incredible tribe had! 
They left with me wanting to find out more and return to their big performance which will hold bigger and better more dare defying stunts and fabulous singing!
I would only ask them to explain what was going on a little more in depth. As much as the acts and singing was amazing, we didn't know where they originate from or what was the meaning of it.
All in all their little preview for their big performance was great! Now I think they've attracted a big enough audience to sell out their big show tonight!  

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Media Event Review [HOMEWORK]

So for my first homework assignment I took a trip to the cinema to see quite a new film called "Cyrus." 
This wasn't a film I particularly wanted to see but as I had to do it as part of my college course I thought "what the hell!"
Anyway, on with the review! 

It started off with a man, John, (John C. Reilly) who was living in the same house as his ex-wife... For some reason I didnt understand why someone would do that but I was intrested to find out!
A bit later on, She, Jamie, (Catherine Keener) told John to come to a party with her so that she could get him out of the house, John being a very lazy person. With alot of disagreement he did and managed to meet a girl at this party called Molly (Marisa Tomei.) A bit later on in the film these two, John and Molly became very close. Molly lived with her Son, Cyrus (Jonah Hill) who she loved to pieces and had lived with for all her life. Cyrus who was 22 was pretty incapable of living on his own as he kept having panic attacks. He relied very much on Molly to be there for him even though he was an adult. When John decided to move in with Molly, Cyrus started thinking that he was taking Molly off him. This lead to some friction between the two of them, each trying to have Molly. 
As Molly was stuck in the middle of this she didn't know you to be with. With that John took off and left them for some "Alone time." 
Then, once the heat had died down a bit, John and Molly saw each other again and had this loooonnnggggggg talk! The final scene was John making friends with Cyrus and seeing Molly on her balcony. She was inviting him back into her house and with that... the film ended. 

At first I thought this film would be ridiculously pointless and laborious and then when I saw the turn out (4 people in the whole cinema) I was thinking this would be a cheap tacky film. I was wrong. It was a deep meaningful film which had a very strong message behind it. I would recommend this film to nearly anyone who likes a good Ol' Rom Com! 
I loved the cameras they used and the angles they captured. They must have had some beastly lenses as it was amazing detail! The one thing i didn't like about the filming was the hand held effect. The picture was all wobbly and didn't look very professional. The zooming as well wasn't very smooth and was to sudden. Apart from that, the film had a very nice colour correction and looked like some nice "eye candy!"

By Sebb.

Link to the IMDB website to view more about this film:

Friday 17 September 2010

Scene Post 1.

This blog will consist of all the posts I write in order the fulfill the Stratford-upon-Avon College Course, "Creative and Media Diploma"  Unit 1: Scene. In order to pass Task One I must record any media events or activities that I attend throughout the academic year.